McArthur Ridge

McArthur Ridge

Last Saturday was a bit cloudy as the harriers ventured up to McArthur Ridge for a romp around the vines. Despite the steady headwind when heading out, it soon became a tailwind, blowing many members back to afternoon tea a bit earlier than planned.

Lake Hayes

Lake Hayes

Well it seems I need a new job that doesn’t interfere with my harrier days, as I was unable to make it again on Saturday. But I was not alone in not making it to harriers, but then it was a cold drizzly old day all over Central.



Well, we turned on a stunning autumnal day, blue skies and sunshine at Oturehua on Saturday after a frosty start to the morning. We had just one seat spare on the bus out, an older bus that struggled up over the Ophir hill, bringing back memories of old Billy the Bus.

Opening Day

opening day.png

Greetings walkers and runners.

Sunshine greeted about 50 walkers and runners last Saturday to kick off the 2018 harrier season as they met at Centennial Park.

Most groups took in river tracks, some heading up the Clutha, whilst other groups took in the start of Doctors Point track and Graveyard Gully areas.

Peter Dymock lived up to his reputation, giving the W1s a good honest outing, out for just over two hours or so.

Nearly as bad as the faster runners, we thought maybe they had gone all the way to Roxburgh, but no, just to some gate out and back. Doctor Greg led former member Russell astray, although both of them should be old and wise enough to know better.

Meanwhile the slower running pack eased into the new season and, looking down at the footwear, it became apparent they had been supporting the local shoe shop.

All were back for afternoon tea pretty much on time, even if Merv left his container of sandwiches sitting on the kitchen bench. Guess what Merv had for breakfast, lunch and dinner on Sunday.

Final Outing

Final Outing

Saturday 14 October 2017 was a typical spring day, warm one minute, cool the next, couple of spots of rain, that then disappeared just as quickly as it appeared. It must have been the final Harrier outing for 2017 season then.