AHWC season start 2020 Finally !

Houston , we have lift off.

Well about 46 members turned up for a walk or run to get the 2020 Harrier season underway, finally , on Saturday.

At least that was  the number we registered after sorting out a couple of duplications , that’s technology for you.

 The W1 walkers headed on up Bridge Hill and around some local tracks up into the Old Golf  course area , some local residents knowledge of where to go gave them about  a 12km walk.

The W2s & W3s ended up on Boot hill and on to some of the 9km or so of tracks that zig and zag all over the hill ,ending up at the community gardens and back along the rail  trail.

And as usual ,just a very small group of runners made a local outing of it.

 A number decided to take the risk and have a drink at Monteiths after the walk , obviously keen to catch up on their harrier bubbles after lock down. And maybe looking forward to that drink as well.

 I have attached a copy of the proposed syllabus for the 2020 season. All pretty much local as we were unsure how long lockdown would last and if we could travel together.

A reminder subs now due $20 to Harrier account 031733 0004935 00 and remember to put your name down as the Reference  so treasurer John knows where the money has come from

 A reminder,  club info can be found on our website www.alexharriers.co.nz

 Club tee shirts will be available, you have a choice of colours, blue or blue at this stage. They will have copy of the club’s logo on front, cost about $20 and available in sizes  S,M,L,XL,XXL

If you’re are interested in a T shirt please advise numbers and sizes to club secretary at info@alexharriers.co.nz  . Please advise numbers by the end of June.

Depending on order numbers we may be able to get them slightly cheaper so please wait until we have confirmed orders and price before paying or until I am advised and can then advise you to pay up.


This Saturday will be your chance to explore the Fraser Weir area. Please meet 1:00pm corner Walton & Thompson streets and we will head out there, so that those who do not know where to go, can be told where to go.

And remember we are not doing afternoon tea at this time ,so if you feel the need for a drink of snack, you will need to BYO

Well I am sure you will all be relieved to be finally out of lockdown levels 3 & 4 and able to get back to harriers. Remember if you are not well  ,please stay home

 Hope to see you all this Saturday at the Fraser Weir.
