Successful closing day

Greetings one and all. One final email before you get a bit of a break . Around 30 members turned up at 11am for a final local walk for the 2023 season , but probably half as many again appeared for the lunch. Whether or not they couldn’t be bothered with a walk , or just didn’t read last week’s email saying leaving for walk at 11am ,I’m not sure. Maybe next year I should put meeting time first ,so everyone reads it ,then go on with other info.

Anyway ,the local weather god stopped the rain by about 10am , then didn’t resume the rain until about 3pm, giving a hint to members your long lunch is over. Our full contingent of runners failed to materialize , so John ran with his Scottish mate Dougal , Dougal seemed very happy and excited to see an old friend in the W2 walking group. The W2s wandered on down to the Ngapara Pools before returning via some tracks thru the pines. One member taking the opportunity to pick up several lost golf balls that had found their way into the pines. Not sure where the W1s and W3s got to ,somewhere around Alex and environs.

Members then took the opportunity to partake of some liquid refreshment , before the big cats served lunch. Those Lions must have been in good form to bring down a cattle beast and a wily merino, As they served roast beef and lamb ,with veges and coleslaw ,then chocolate brownie ,fruit and ice cream for dessert . It always amazes me how there does not appear to be much to many of our walkers ,they’re pretty skinny, yet they seem to have hollow legs and manage to go back for seconds or thirds. I guess that’s an indication of good cooks , so pass on our thanks to the Lions, Barrie.

As our president was still chilling out down on the ice, past president Jo thanked the committee for their efforts over the past year. She also put out a survey of this year’s outings, asking members feedback on those they liked or disliked. For anyone who did NOT fill in the survey please contact Jo if there are any outings you really liked or disliked.

A black Katmandu top was left at the Bowling club ,photo attached. If it is your’s ,reply and I will forward your details on.

That’s nearly it for the 2023 season. But wait, there’s more . Usually the first Sunday in December at 4pm the harriers have one final get together at Monteiths , where you buy your drinks and The club puts some platters of food on the tables. Stay tuned for later in November when we will give more details and remind you of date and time.

So till then ,keep moving and we will catch you later on
