Pinders Pond or Bust!

Well  last Saturday saw the rain pouring down in the Wanaka area all day ,and so the harriers changed their venue down to the Roxburgh area. So the met service told us all last Friday and so anyone who disagrees with that must have been hallucinating. Roxburgh was covered by a layer of high cloud with calm conditions ,a pleasant enough afternoon for a walk.

A busload and a car load headed on down, to drop off the W1 walkers just below the Roxburgh dam. Club captain Dave told them it was about a 12km walk to Pinders Pond. Although after the walk some claimed it was  14km or more , but the 10 or so walkers made it back to the bus in one piece. Meantime a big group of W2 walkers ,(about 28 ) got off at the chook and egg farm at Ladysmith road , making their way down onto the river track and along to Pinders Pond. The 2 runners got off below the dam and managed to catch up with  all the walking groups. The W3 walkers stayed on the bus to set up the billy, with some heading upstream to meet the W2 walkers ,whilst another group went downstream before returning.

So despite the weather forecast  ,it turned out to be a good day for  a walk. Ray’s date and walnut slice seemed to go down well ,with the recipe request attached to this email.

This Saturday we get to try out Rogaining again. We will meet usual place and time ,corner Walton & Thompson Streets at 1:00pm , where we will car pool up to the pines area opposite The golf club. There Jo will give us a map , and we then get into groups and try to find as many clues on the  map as possible ,in less than 90 minutes in the Ngapara pools area. If you end up in the river then you have gone too far. It would probably be helpful to bring along a ballpoint pen so you can check off your clues. A-Ls will be duty pack this week.

 A reminder Clyde Alex 10k race coming up on 28 August , Jo still looking for volunteers to marshal road race and kids off road races Marshal for full race requires your help for around 2hours,kids 2-4km off road race only about ½ hour so not a great burden for anyone .

Also Barrie will put together a grocery hamper raffle prize for the 10k, so will be collecting any non perishable grocery items for it,  that you would like to donate.

Hopefully we will get a little more sunshine this Saturday ,although it has been a cloudy old winter.

Hope to see you Saturday

