Wandering around the Clyde area

Greetings all ,another week been and  gone and that bit closer to the end of the harrier season.

I spent some time in the Ida Valley last Saturday watching the local power company string up a power line from off the road.

 Meantime a whole bunch of folk were wandering around the Clyde area. Anne Walker led 16 W1s around the hills in the Clyde area for 10km and I have been asked to make special mention ,that they were NOT late this week ,in fact a couple of minutes early

I am not sure what is going on in picture supplied, was it a really windy day ? or perhaps to slow her down she had to carry round a large rock. No such issue with the next photo supplied , obviously these walkers took the time to have a sit down and enjoy the view.

 I have to say ,the 2020 harrier season has probably had the most changes to it’s syllabus since the club has started. This Saturday was to be the day for the Clyde Alex road races to be held , but thanks to that sneaky little Covid virus , had to be cancelled since it was first held back in 1969. Hindsight it a wonderful thing ,if we had stuck to the original date  of 8 August ,the event could have gone ahead. It was even a nice sunny day.  But during the covid lockdown back in March, we decided to allow another month to allow things to settle down.

 There have not been many bus rides this year due to so much uncertainty due to covid 19, but this week could be your chance.

This Saturday we will head to Lowburn  Hall, meet corner Walton & Thompson Streets in time to depart at 12:30pm to catch a bus

This will be  a private bus  so wearing a mask will not be compulsory ,but can be worn. Our bus driver will be  wearing one but the driver told me it was to disguise his good looks .

To book a seat on the bus click on this link.


 M-Zs duty pack this week

 I have booked in some better weather than we had today for Saturday ,so hope to catch you all at Lowburn
