Roll up for a magical mystery tour

Rain Saturday morning did not put off the  harriers as we ended up with a full bus and a carload. Perhaps people were keen to get out and not miss yet another harrier outing  . Or perhaps they believed me when I said the weather would be ok. Luckily the club captain was driving , so had some idea where we were going on our mystery trip. 

First stop was Camphill carpark  Hawea , where 3 runners and 5 fast W1 walkers got off to walk about 12km up the Lake Hawea river track and around Lake Hawea. The remaining W1 and faster W2 walkers got off at the end of Cemetry road, to access the river track 8.4km or so  up to the dam and then around Lake Hawea. The W2s walkers thought they were in for a great afternoon , when the bus stopped outside the Lake Hawea pub. But no, they were told to cross the road and head along about 7km of the Hawea track. The remaining W3 walkers stayed on the bus to Johns Creek , setting up the billy ,before heading along the lake track to meet the incoming walkers and runners.

The things you hear on harrier outing. One senior gent was heard to say he was having trouble getting it up. Was he talking about personal issues ? Ohhh , maybe he was talking about the kite surfer trying to get his kite airborne. All groups made it back to the bus in good time and many were keen to check out the great harrier bake off . The star of the show appeared to be Glenda’s Ginger cake. It appeared to disappear at a quick rate But the tasters seemed to slow down as the last bit remained. As you can see heaps of photos sent in this week 

And now the end is near , we face the final curtain for 2021.The final outing for 2021 is this Saturday 16 October. For those wanting a walk, run or bike ride ,please meet 11:00am outside the Alexandra Bowling club in Molyneux Park. Please park in the Ice Inline car park , not the Bowling club car park, as those bowlers can get upset if you park in their spot and you may end up with a bowling ball in your car windscreen. For those of you intending to just shuffle along to lunch , pre lunch drinks should be available about 12:30pm with lunch about 1:00pm ish at the ABC. 

Not yet booked your lunch. Please message  Barrie on 021 445918 to reserve your place by Tuesday evening.  Because Dave needs to know how many whitebait he needs to catch for our whitebait patties (I’m still trying Barrie ) Remember internet banking to pay for your lunch , with your name in reference field to harrier bank account 031733 0004935 00 

I am sending this email out early this week to give any tardy harriers a chance to book lunch. Committee meeting this week , so if anything urgent will send out another email later in week.

Otherwise hope to catch you all  at The ABC for lunch. Weather booked in for no rain.
