Making for Matakanui this Saturday Maybe

Three score and more headed off in the bus under blue skies to Matakanui on Saturday for our harrier outing. Some confusion to start with as the bus appeared full. Then about a dozen members got off the bus to take cars out ,but the bus still ended up full , including the navigators seat up front.

About 18 W1 walkers got off the bus on Devonshire road  to meander across to Matakanui township. Everyone else stayed on board to the township before splitting off. A large group of 27 W2 walkers wander past the dredge and mining area, heading up Thomson’s creek to the water race inlet ,before returning. About 16 W3 walkers wandered around the mining areas, splitting into 2 groups and just one runner headed up Thomson’s track before returning via the road.

Everyone managed to avoid being shot by the hunters in the area , so I guess they were not shooting old goats or bores ?(boars ?).  Everyone was back in time for afternoon tea. Blue skies above  but definitely a cool breeze out there. They didn’t linger as  the pub had no beer.

Clyde Alex  10km road races just 2 weeks away now. President Jo always looking for more helpers and Barrie collecting grocery items for raffle hamper, last chance to bring your donation along.

This Saturday is another bus trip ,this time to Lowburn. Meet corner Walton & Thompson streets at 12:30pm  with $5, with A-Ls duty pack this week. Sunshine has been booked in already

 Any of you think you are a princess or a queen ? Feel like you should be treated like  royalty ? Secretary Maryon has an application form  for anyone who would like to represent the Harrier club

In the  Alexandra Blossom Festival Senior Queen competition. Contact  for further details.

That’s about it for another week. Plenty of cameras out last week as heaps of photos supplied.

Hope to see you all at Lowburn , may need some cars as well as the bus again
