Unofficial Easter Outing

Well Easter weekend has been and gone. It obviously offered a last chance to get stuck into the garden, get away for a long weekend, go hunting for Easter eggs or bunnies.

Despite turning blue skies for Saturday afternoon, just 7.5 harriers turned up for a walk or run. There should be a lot of notes explaining their absence this week.

4 walkers and 3 runners who found another runner on their outing making 4 runners and 0.5 of a harrier who had 4 legs and 1 tail.

The runners headed along the rail trail before heading back over the other side of Tucker Hill, whilst the walkers went up poo valley to check out Joe’s map making skills and Jo’s map reading skills.

For those who did turn out it was another pleasant Saturday outing. Just 2 of the hard core walkers made it down to the pub.