Local Walk

The W3s walked down to Roxburgh, or so Jill told us and I am sure she would not mislead us with that. The remaining walkers and runners took in the hill above the Elim church and the mountain bike tracks, some taking in the cemetery, others carried on to Hillview road whilst the faster runners carried on past the airport. Some groups  took in the river track on the Alex side of the river as well.

The afternoon started off overcast with a damp atmosphere , but by the time we returned to Centennial Park the sun was shining for a welcome cuppa.

As we move into winter and cooler weather remember to dress warmly and stick together in your walking or running groups.

It seems Barrie had an ulterior motive for negotiating a discount at Monteiths for gold card holders, as I saw  a gold card being slipped into his pocket. And I noticed my glass of beer has increased in price to subsidise those golden oldies. The Saint Bernard was really pushing the limit requesting a discount on his raffle ticket price.